3 min read
COVID-19: Oh, How The Tables Have Turned
The Impact of the Pandemic on Digital Media
What does this look like? Below is a recent survey study of internet usage during the pandemic made by The New York Times.
What else has COVID-19 done to our internet usage? It has transferred work meetings and education to video conferences. Ella Koeze and Nathaniel Popper from The New York Times also state, “With the rise of social distancing, we are seeking out new ways to connect, mostly through video chat” (Popper, 2020). See graph below.
With everyone communicating via conference Webex, Facetime, or Zoom, has this push towards digital media deduced the need for in-person socialization? The looming threat of social media on my generation’s ability to interpersonally connect seems to be at an all time high. Teenagers are now THAT more obsessed with their phones. But now, it is socially acceptable. A video call into family dinner is no longer frowned upon. A call instead of a delivered birthday present is now understandable. I agree with these analysts that COVID-19 has created spikes in digital usage, for the better. But I am starting to fear that people are too comfortable working from home. We are adapting to an age like never before, but at what price? I yearn for the days of local coffeehouse work meetings, but I also praise this digital revolution. It’s up to us now. We have the ability to both adapt to the times and find a way to safely connect with our peers while following social distancing guidelines. Be safe, interact online, but don’t hide behind your screen.